Join The 61508 Association

How can I join The 61508 Association?

​Membership of the Association is open to companies or organisations engaged in any aspect of safety-related systems and which support the aims of the Association – to realise the commercial benefits of the implementation of IEC 61508 (and / or related standards) and to promote the demonstration of compliance using an open, transparent and consistent method (membership fees apply).


Join The 61508 Association….Members of all functional safety competence levels are welcome. The Association believes in the promotion of learning and mutual support as much as it does for the promotion of functional safety compliance. The company or organisation is the Association member, each member is encouraged to list more than one representative, and more than one representative can attend each general meeting (see the Association rules for details). This enables membership to dovetail nicely with your competence management approach.

If you are interested, but want to find out more before making the commitment, you are welcome to come along to one of our meetings as a guest. Contact us to discuss what the Association can do for you – and as importantly – what you can do for the Association (the annual membership subscription is also detailed in our rules).


Join The 61508 Association….When you decide to join you will be asked to provide some basic information about your company and your involvement with safety-related systems by completing the membership application form. The information will be reviewed by the management committee. You will be asked to make a brief (c. 10 minutes) presentation to a General Meeting of the Association on your company’s application. Provided that there are no objections, your application will be accepted. You will be invoiced for the subscription, upon payment of which your company will become a full member of the Association.

61508 safety documentation

Membership Annual Fees

Thinking about the fees to join The 61508 Association….Annual membership subscriptions for current members will be invoiced each January and run for a 12- month period. No refunds for part year membership are payable. Subscriptions are payable within 28 days. Failure to pay subscriptions by the end of Q2 each year, will result in the curtailment of meeting participation (subject to Chair discretion). Failure to pay by the end of Q2 each year, will result in membership cancellation.
New members are to be charged a pro rata scale of fee’s as per the table below (Fees: New member).

Annual Membership Fees
61508 safety documentation

Application Form

Join The 61508 Association….The 61508 Association (T6A) is a group of companies with an interest in gaining the full benefits of the successful implementation of IEC 61508 and related standards. A principal aim is to promote the demonstration of compliance to these standards in a pragmatic manner.

61508 Membership Application Form

Knowledge Hub

61508 safety standard


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