Detailed information about the standards and a download centre with documents intended for those needing a more in-depth consideration of technical issues.
What is Functional Safety?

At its simplest functional safety is the part of the overall safety relating to the equipment under control and its associated control system that depends on the correct functioning of the safety-related system.
Safety-Related System Competence Guidelines

The crucial component in the management of functional safety is the competence of all those with a role to play throughout the safety system and software lifecycle.
Standards Development via BSI GEL/65/1

International functional safety standards are under continuous development and maintenance and are revised periodically.
What is IEC 61508?

IEC 61508 is the international standard and basic safety publication for functional safety for electrical, electronic and programmable electronic safety related systems.
What is IEC 61511?

IEC 61511 is the functional safety standard for the process industry for for electrical, electronic and programmable electronic safety related systems.
What is IEC 62061?

IEC 62061 is the functional safety standard for the machinery sector for for electrical, electronic and programmable electronic safety related systems.
Our downloads area holds information and documents on all aspects of both functional safety standards, e.g. IEC 61508, and CASS. Visit the downloads area to view available documents and download.