CASS Assessors

Registration Scheme for Functional Safety Assessors

Safety requirements specification

The CASS Registered Functional Safety Assessor scheme is a registration scheme for experienced functional safety assessors who use the CASS methodology. A candidate for the scheme requires a referee and proposer to vouch for their technical capability and experience. Registration is based on a peer / panel review of the assessor’s knowledge and experience in their claimed scope and is not a personnel competence certification scheme.

How the CASS Registered Functional Safety Assessor scheme works:


  • Candidates provide evidence of their assessor training / experience in their particular scope which is evaluated by a panel of other qualified practitioners.
  • The CASS Scheme Association maintains and publishes a register of functional safety assessors (RFSAs) who have met the registration requirements.
  • RFSAs are permitted to use the ‘CASS Mark’ (which includes their personal ID) on their assessment reports.
  • The CASS Scheme Association does not view or accept responsibility for any assessment report.
  • Registration is optional – the existing use of the CASS methodology is unchanged (i.e. without the ‘CASS Mark’).
The CASS Registered Functional Safety Assessor Scheme Manual

The CASS Register Functional Safety Assessor scheme uses a model to consider five layers of an applicants knowledge and experience. The scheme manual defines requirements for the application and evaluation process. The applicant will require a proposer and a referee. The five layers are:


  • Layer-1: Basic academic and professional qualifications
  • Layer-2: Structured / formal Functional Safety (FS) training / self-learning
  • Layer-3: FS practitioner experience (specified scope)
  • Layer-4: FS assessor experience (specified scope)
  • Layer-5: Knowledge of CASS methodology
CASS Registered Assessor application form

Liability Disclaimer

The 61508 Association accepts no liability for any loss or harm caused as a result of reliance on any assessment related document that bears the CASS mark. This scheme is owned and operated by The CASS Scheme Association and this web-page is simply a display of information provided by The CASS Scheme Association.

List of registered assessors

Method Functional Safety

Dil Wetherill (RFSA ID: 21001)

Company:Method Functional Safety Ltd.

Valid From:04‐Jan‐2021

Valid to:03‐Jan‐2024


Status:EXPIRED (under renewal)

Assessment Scope:IEC 61511‐1:2016+A1:2017 (CASS-511-FSM, CASS-511-OP, CASS-511-FSA).

Assessment Scope:IEC 61508‐1:2010 (CASS-508-FSM, CASS-508-SLC).

ProSalus Ltd

Colin Easton (RFSA ID: 21002)

Company:ProSalus Ltd.

Valid from:14-Apr-2021

Valid to:13-Apr-2024

Sector:Process, Machinery

Status:EXPIRED (under renewal)

Assessment Scope:IEC 61511-1:2016+A1:2017 (CASS-511-FSM, CASS-511-OP, CASS-511-FSA).

Assessment Scope:IEC 61508-1:2010 (CASS-508-FSM, CASS-508-SLC).

Assessment Scope:IEC 61508-2:2010 (CASS-508-SYS, CASS-508-SUB).

Assessment Scope:IEC 61508-3:2010 (LVL only to CASS-511-LVL).

Assessment Scope:IEC 62061:2021 (CASS-061).

UL Solutions

Hassan El Sayed (RFSA ID: 21003)

Company:UL LLC

Valid from:06-Sep-2021

Valid to:05-Sep-2024

Sector:Product, Process, Machinery


Assessment Scope: IEC 61508-1:2010 (CASS-508-FSM, CASS-508-SLC).

Assessment Scope:IEC 61508-2:2010 (CASS-508-SUB, CASS-508-SYS).

Assessment Scope:IEC 61508-3:2010 (CASS-508-SW, CASS-511-LVL).

Assessment Scope:IEC 61511-1:2016+AMD1:2017 (CASS-511-FSM, CASS-511-FSA).

Assessment Scope:IEC 62061:2021 (CASS-061).


Andrew Derbyshire (RFSA ID: 23001)


Valid from:25-Oct-2023

Valid to:24-Oct-2026



Assessment Scope:IEC 61511-1:2016+AMD1:2017 (CASS-511-FSM, CASS-511-OP, CASS-511-FSA).

Assessment Scope:IEC 61508-1:2010 (CASS-508-FSM, CASS-508-SLC).

Assessment Scope:IEC 61508-2:2010 (CASS-508-SUB, CASS-508-SYS).

Assessment Scope:IEC 61508-3:2010 (LVL only to CASS-511-LVL).


Simon Burwood (RFSA ID: 23002)


Valid from:25-Oct-2023

Valid to:24-Oct-2026



Assessment Scope:IEC 61511-1:2016+A1:2017 (CASS-511-FSM, CASS-511-OP, CASS-511-FSA).

Assessment Scope:IEC 61508-1:2010 (CASS-508-FSM, CASS-508-SLC).

Assessment Scope:IEC 61508-2:2010 (CASS-508-SUB, CASS-508-SYS).

Assessment Scope:IEC 61508-3:2010 (LVL only to CASS-511-LVL).


Paul Reeve (RFSA ID: 23003)

Company:Silmetric Ltd.

Valid From:25-Oct-2023

Valid to:24-Oct-2026

Sector:Product, Process, Machinery


Assessment Scope: IEC 61508-1:2010 (CASS-508-FSM, CASS-508-SLC).

Assessment Scope: IEC 61508-2:2010 (CASS-508-SUB, CASS-508-SYS).

Assessment Scope:IEC 62061:2021 (CASS-061, except software)

Assessment Scope:IEC 61511-1:2016+A1:2017 (CASS-511-FSM, CASS-511-OP, CASS-511-FSA).